About reflexology, your reflexologist & more…
Meet Your Reflexologist
Wendy “Z” Lewis is a nationally board certified reflexologist with more than 20 years of experience. She completed Basic, Advanced and Masters training in Reflexology at the New York Open Center and has been certified by the American Reflexology Certification Board - the highest level of reflexology credentialing in the U.S. - since 2001.
Wendy is an active member of:
-American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB)
-Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP)
Wendy’s continuing education training is ongoing and has included Laura Norman hand, face and foot reflexology and basic myofascial release massage techniques for feet, hands, lower legs and forearms. Her favorite continuing education activity is an annual hands-on cadaver lab at the University of Rhode Island's Physical Therapy Department (through a partnership with RARI, the Reflexology Association of Rhode Island).
A lifelong student of health, wellness and fitness, Wendy has also studied Clinical Hypnotherapy, attained Reiki mastership and is a former kickboxing and Kripalu Yogadance instructor. Wendy studied martial arts for 28 years, completed her first triathlon in 2021, and is a dedicated hot yoga practitioner and cyclist.
Wendy was also a health writer for Rhode Island’s Lifespan Hospitals and CVS Health, and has authored several freelance articles and the book Jump in the Holes: and Other Small Ways to Live Your Biggest Life. Wendy is passionate about helping others preserve their wellness and appreciate the greatest instrument they will ever own – their body.
What is “Prana?”
Prana is the Sanskrit word for “life force energy." In Hindu philosophy including yoga, Indian medicine, and martial arts, the term refers collectively to all cosmic energy that permeates the universe on all levels. “Chi" (Chinese) or “Ki" (Japanese) are other words that also describe life force energy.
Integral aspects of reflexology are the circle of energy between client and reflexologist, and the practitioner’s connection to life force energy.
Perhaps Gandhi explained it best:
“There is an indefinable, mysterious power that pervades everything…while everything around me is ever-changing, ever-dying, there is an indefinable living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves and recreates.”
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a scientific healing art based on the premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands that correspond to all other body parts. The physical act of applying specific pressures to these reflexes using thumb, finger and hand techniques causes healthy physiological changes in the body.
Benefits include:
Reduced stress, increased relaxation, improved mood
Relief of foot pain
Whole-body pain management / palliative care
Improved circulation
Support health, wellness and athletic performance
Reflexology is known for promoting uniquely deep relaxation that facilitates the body’s own amazing healing capabilities. It is also an excellent mode of palliative care and complement to cancer care.
Reflexology is ideal for those who:
Prefer to remain clothed/do not enjoy full-body massage
Wish to pamper their feet
Spend much time on their feet (dancers, athletes, nurses, etc.)
People of all ages can benefit from reflexology. It is safe, natural, and feels great!
About ARCB Certification
Want the best reflexologist? Then choose a practitioner who is nationally certified with the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB). I have been ARCB certified for 22 years, and have met or exceeded ARCB’s continuing education requirements the entire time.
Why trust your wellness with anything less? Learn more in this video from ARCB!